I remember going to one of my beloved university sessions in Armidale.
It was a cold Autumn,
but the wonderful carpet of autumn leaves
was always worth a dance or two
spinning the leaves into a frenzy
a mad
the hill to climb each day to lectures from the student quarters
was rather steep
and rather long
so we had the time to dance
But I remember most
the last night
waiting for a bus
a running late bus
that was to take us back to Sydney.
All the bags
gathered with a bunch of weary students
waiting and waitng
for a bus
beneath a stark street light
Time seemed trapped in
a breathless limbo
until a guy suggested
that we take it in turns
to recite some poetry.
After all, we were English students.
He took the first round
we were winged to
a magic realm
of minds and heart
and songs of the soul
we relaxed
and drifted with
the impromptu music
others followed
but somehow
the first song
the best song
the bus arrived
lots of apologies
and somehow
we were sorry
we felt sad
we felt sad
that a special
had now