Tuesday 14 July 2015

Hunter - an overview

 His family lived on an island just offshore from the Queensland coast.
It was a small island, but access to the hub of life in Brisbane was easily mastered by ferry.

His family was middle class but they had dreams of climbing.
Hunter grew up in a world of law - his father, Alistair was a barrister.
And Hunter wanted to get closer to the law makers.

By the time he was 20 he was married to a sweet lady
who supported his dreams.
They had two children - a boy and girl - who attended local public primary schools,
but experienced high school years in the private sector.
Dad wanted them to know a little of both worlds.
Mum agreed.

But Hunter was hungry.
Legal worlds seemed like waxed effigies in a museum - nice but static.
He liked to initiate more immediate changes.

So it was
with encouragement of colleagues
he ventured into politics.

At first
it seemed he was 'a mover and a shaker' in the island community.
Roads were repaired, a school opened, tourist hubs emerged
and employment both on the island and on the mainland
suddenly became accessible for these islanders.

Hunter seemed to be a politician
that was nice
a people person
a human being.

But still
Hunter climbed.

Beyond the island
he saw a political niche
that meant he was
a politician for the nation.

with encouragement from colleagues
he climbed on...

Mum agreed.

Novel Character
First draft 14.7.15

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